Here is a step-by-step method to take IIS back, remember taking IIS backup is very important before modifying or doing any changes on the IIS based website and virtual directory
IIS 6.0
The First method is by using GUI Mode
1) Open Internet Information services (IIS) Manager
2) Right Click the server name and click on All Tasks and select Backup/Restore Configuration
3) Click on Create Backup option to take backup
4) Type the backup name in the Configuration Backup Name
5) If you want to Encrypt/ Password Protect the backup file, Select the option: Encrypt backup using Password and provide password of your choice
Note: Remember the password to be used during restore.
6) Click on OK and you are done
7) While restoring the backup just select the Backup Name you want to restore and click on Restore option
8) The same way if you want to delete any existing backup, use Delete option
The second method to take IIS 6 backup is by using the command Line
1) Open a command prompt
2) Run the command as you see in the below example
Example command : Cscript.exe iisback.vbs /s /u Administrator /p /backup /b NewBackupName
First Method Using GUI
Unfortunately, by default GUI mode is not enable, to enable it follow the instructions in the below article
Second Method Using command
To backup IIS configuration:
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe add backup "Backup-Name"
To restore that backup:
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe restore backup "Backup-Name"
To delete a backup:
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe delete backup “Backup-Name"
Once the backup command is successful, the files can be verified in the default location C:\windows\system32\intersrv\backup\Backup-Name
Refer Microsoft official Document :
Systemadminthings always recommend its reader to check the Official Document for the steps describe, you can find the links in after each steps
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